Hungry in Hungary

Upon arriving to Budapest in train we were in slight daze as to what was going on. The Hungarian language is by nothing like Romanian (even though they are 5 hours apart) so all the Romanian we managed to absorb was useless, completely useless!! All the little things like "how much" and "excuse me," all gone. We knew that we were only going to stay a day in Hungary, so we did what we could with the VERY few words we knew, which mainly consisted of "kozonom" which translates to "excuse me." So we decided to do the best with what we had. Thus, little did we now that, surprisingly, many people in Hungary do speak at least a little bit of english. First was first, we got rid of our bags in one of the train lockers, it made it so much easier to travel. I mean my bag was still full of my laptop, camera, and wires left and forth which made the bag very heavy. But nevertheless, I was able to survive with it.

We decided that the best way to shake off a sleepless night was to go out to explore, and so we did, all day. Arriving at the most western looking cafe, we urgently needed breakfast and so we ordered Hungarian breakfast in a bland, and very common cafe. We decided next steps in our very long trip. We went to a cemetery and then to Memento Park. Funny story, years ago I was avid watcher of Globe Trekker, the show on PBS; in one such episode I saw Ian Wright make his way to Memento park, which is where I got the idea to go. It was my little goal I got to cross off my bucket list. Thanks Ian Wright! I was not much of a fan of the Budapest living. It seemed too fast paced and no one seemed to eat. We looked for food during the night and then couch-surfed with one very nice Hungarian man. In retrospect, not our finest moment as it could have been very dangerous. We woke up at 5am to catch our next train to Kiev.


Where the HELL is Zahony?!


Oradea: Transylvania?